Facelift - What You Should Know

Posted July 17, 2023
Things to Know Before a Facelift

As you continue to age, the skin on the face will start to lose its elasticity. In turn, this causes the formation of wrinkles and sagging skin. If you are experiencing these issues, you might be a candidate for a facelift which is a surgical procedure that lifts the skin and tightens facial tissues while also removing excess skin and eliminating the look of wrinkles on the face. If you are interested in learning more about how a facelift is performed as well as the results of the surgery, keep reading this informative article.

Facelift – Ideal Candidates

In general, a traditional full facelift is performed by focusing on the bottom two-thirds of the face and sometimes the neck. Some ideal candidates for the procedure include a person who wants to reverse or hide signs of aging on the skin, someone with enough skin laxity in the folds of the face as well as the neck, someone with a good amount of loose skin on the neck and face, and a patient with a bone structure that can provide the necessary support to the skin.

Facelift – Discover Different Facelift Procedures

Discover Different Facelift ProceduresDuring a traditional facelift procedure, the surgeon will reposition the targeted tissue and fat under the skin so there will be less creases on the skin. In addition, the facial skin will be lifted and tightened while excess skin is removed that is causing a sagging look or the formation of “jowls.”

There are multiple types of facelifts that can be performed, and the choice depends on the condition of your skin and your desired results. These additional facelift options include:

  • A mid-facelift, AKA a cheek lift, is focused on treating sagging skin that is present from the upper mouth to the eyes (including the area of the nose and cheeks).
  • A mini facelift is performed on loose skin that is located around the jawline and neck. This technique requires shorter incisions than a full facelift.
  • A liquid facelift, AKA a nonsurgical facelift, is when fillers are injected into the skin to plump up the skin and give it a fuller appearance. This treatment can target the area under the lower eyelids, nasolabial folds between the mouth and nose, and sagging cheeks.

Facelift – How is it Performed?

During a traditional facelift, the surgeon will create an incision in the hairline that is located near the temples. The incision that is created by the doctor will go in front of the ear and then downwards in front of the earlobe. Then, the incision moves backwards so it goes to the area of the lower scalp located behind the ears. In order to make the desired changes, the surgeon might redistribute or remove excess skin and fat from the face. Plus, the connective tissue and underlying muscles are tightened.

A neck lift can be performed at the same time with an incision being created under the chin. The surgeon will remove excess fat and skin so the neck skin can be tightened and pulled upwards and back.

Once all of the work on the face is finished by the surgeon, any incisions will be closed using sutures. The doctor will take care to place the incisions in a manner where they blend in with the creases of the skin or the hairline.

Facelift – Risks and Recovery

When it comes to having a facelift, some of the potential risks include bleeding, scarring, lingering pain, infection, swelling, poor wound healing, and blood clots.

Once the recovery process begins, you will likely feel some pain and discomfort that can be controlled by pain medication prescribed by the doctor. You might need to wear some bandages to help control swelling. The swelling will resolve on its own and that is when you will begin to see a difference in your appearance.

After the surgery, you might need to wear drains that help remove excess fluid from the body. The surgeon will let you know how long you will need to wear them.

It can take about two weeks before you can begin to resume normal activity levels on a daily basis. It can take about four weeks to resume strenuous exercise routines.

Facelift – Results Revealed

The results of the facelift will start to be seen once the majority of the swelling and bruising have resolved. The final results of a traditional facelift can last anywhere from ten to twenty years. Keep in mind that the aging process and gravity can cause the skin to sag again as time passes.

The length of the results varies per person and can depend on the condition of the skin, the type of facelift performed, and the extent of the work performed during the facelift. If you are unsure about the type of results you can expect or the best facelift option for your skin, schedule a consultation appointment with an experienced and board-certified plastic surgeon. The doctor can examine you to make sure you are healthy enough for the procedure as well as an ideal facelift candidate.

- MA


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